Conscious nutrition

In recent years, the trend of vegetarian and vegan food has gotten bigger and bigger. The demand from bands and artists for vegetarian, vegan and organic food has also increased enormously in recent years. We want to be a pioneer in this area. Our catering for artists and crew is almost completely vegan.

In addition, we ensure that our food is local, low-waste and as organic as possible. We buy products from organic farm De Kijfelaar, wholesaler Biofresh and neighborhood store Rico Lab. Our snacks in the backstage areas are also Bio Fairtrade. If we exceptionally purchase meat or fish, these are also 100% organic

We also care about waste processing and food surpluses. Sorting waste is very important to us. Bottles, plastic, paper… it's all sorted correctly. A few years ago we switched to reusable PC cups and biodegradable straws. Food surpluses are rare. If there are any, we freeze them or our volunteer team can enjoy them.

All the water in the backstages comes from a Robinetto, a water tap for the catering industry. In Belgium, we throw away more than 2.5 billion beverage containers every year and millions of kilometers are driven just to transport water. This while there's perfect quality and sustainable water from the tap. We also always provide enough reusable water bottles, which means that we avoid a lot of waste (about 3500 to 4000 plastic bottles of 0.5 liters of water since the introduction of the water taps).

In addition to these actions, we do a lot more. Just think of consciously dealing with seasonal vegetables, organic tea, plant-based milk, ecological detergents ... 

There are many more ideas that we want to implement in the future. We keep thinking about a better future.