Workshop: Learn to produce for advanced students

Workshop: Learn to produce for advanced students

In 4 lessons you will learn the different forms and roles that a beatmaker can be, by Aram Abgaryan (KRANKk, Fifty Hertz, ...)

Workshop: Learn to produce with Aram Abgaryan (KRANKk, Fifty Hertz, Martha Da'ro, ...)

During this workshop you will get started with the techniques and ways to make a sound your own and especially how to apply this in practice. You get a whole lot of creative baggage that is technically substantiated in the form of sampling and manipulation of samples, interpolation & effects, the different roles a beat maker can take, electronic music production, mixing and finishing, and so much more!



For whom? Everyone who has basic knowledge of Ableton. All ages are welcome.

When? On 6, 7, 13 and 14 December, from 19h30 to 22h30. We will close off this workshop with a listening session on December 21st.

Where? In the Multimedia of Trix. Come 15 minutes early and we will show you the way. Come say hi at our Café!

Teacher? Aram Abgaryan (KRANKk, Fifty Hertz, Martha Da'ro, ...)

Price? €100 (incl. service fees) / 15% discount if you are younger than 26 years old.

We offer concession spots to anyone in need of them. 
Please send an email to

This course will take place in a small group of maximum 9 people. 
Trix strives to be an inclusive place where there is absolutely no room for any form of hate or discrimination. 

This course will normally be given in Dutch. If you only speak English, do feel welcome! Just let us know beforehand so we can inform the teacher! You can send an email to