Workshop songwriting - with Sarah Pepels en Emy Kabore

Workshop songwriting - with Sarah Pepels en Emy Kabore

Get started with chord progressions and song structures and finally your own track!

In this workshop you will learn everything about form schemes, song structures, chord schemes and we will discuss how well-known songs are put together. You will also receive personal coaching from EMY and Sarah Pepels to take your songwriting skills to a higher level and thus write a hell of a song. At the end of this five-day course you will present your own songs to each other!


For whom? Anyone who is between 15 and 30 years. For this workshop, musical
basic knowledge required (you play an instrument or sing).

When? On 3, 10, 15, 24 and 30 May, from 19h30 to 22h30.

Teachers? Sarah Pepels and Emy Kabore

Price? €125 (incl. service fees)
15% discount if you are younger than 26 years old.

We offer concession spots to anyone in need of them. 
Please send an email to

Please note that this course is given in Dutch.

This course will take place in a small group of about 10 people. 
Trix strives to be an inclusive place where there is absolutely no room for any form of hate or discrimination. 

/ Artwork by Vincent Fourrel