/ Fake Indians


A beautiful layer of musical tar

/ 19u30: doors
/ 20u15 - 20u55: Fake Indians
/ 21u25 - 22u30: Peuk

For fans of



“Peuk” the Dutch word for cigarette bud. Something you carelessly throw away, something you step on after enjoying it. Short inhales, long draws, deep inside your longs and your brain. And then you discard it, onto the next rush. This is exactly what the Limburg based Trio brings musically. A layer of tar to cover your soul. As addictive as nicotine. Think Hole, think Pixies, think Sonic Youth, think much more than all of this. Think Peuk.

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Fake Indians

Hailing from our homebase Antwerp, the Indians have been blowing up dodgy underground spots for the past few years, earning a reputation for being the noisiest, fuzziest, tranci-est and plain funk-iest bunch of slackers in the 'hood. Shades of nineties altrock and blasting drones will melt your brain and if they don't do the trick, their unique visual show certainly will!

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