Learn to organize an event with Mathilde Luijten (Overlast)

Learn to organize an event with Mathilde Luijten (Overlast)

ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS - from innovative idea to reality: learn to organize your own evening!

Workshop 'How To Organize an Event' - by Mathilde Luijten (OVERLAST)
'Absolute Beginners'

You have a brilliant idea, an innovative concept, a party that doesn't yet happen anywhere else. You just know: this is going to score. But... how the hell do you start organizing it? Twice a year Mathilde Luijten organizes OVERLAST, a festival that puts new talent in the spotlight. With her expertise she will show you the way in organizing events and you will learn to take your first steps so that you too can soon host your own evening!


For whom? Every workshop within the series 'Absolute Beginners' is created for everyone who has zero knowledge about the subject and is between 15 and 30 years old. 

When? On Wednesday 3 July, from 14:00 to 18:00.

Where? At the Café of Trix. Come 15 minutes early and we will show you the way. 

Teacher? Mathilde Luijten (OVERLAST)

Price? €10 (incl. service fees)

We offer concession spots to anyone in need of them. 
Please send an email to tickets@trixonline.be.

This course will take place in a small group of about 10 people. 
Trix strives to be an inclusive place where there is absolutely no room for any form of hate or discrimination. 

This course will normally be given in Dutch. If you only speak English, do feel welcome! Just let us know beforehand so we can inform the teacher! You can send an email to melissa@trixonline.be.

/ Artwork by Nina Vandeweghe ♡