Support our JEZ! action: let vulnerable young people experiment with music

Support our JEZ! action: let vulnerable young people experiment with music

Making the world more epic for young people is what we do together with JEZ!


Through our project, socially vulnerable young people get the opportunity to experiment with music, where they are supported by professionals to create their own song. We work together with schools and youth associations to reach the most vulnerable young people. We organize visits to Trix where young people can follow various workshops and work towards recording a song.

We aim for a compilation album with all the songs that are made. After all, socially vulnerable children have a lot to say, but too often they are not heard. We want to give them a voice through music. We think it is important that TRIX is a place where children are given space to experiment, have fun and develop with music as the common thread.


What is JEZ?

JEZ! is a youth collective that wants to put the spotlight back on young people.

They do this by putting themes that concern them at night on the map, allowing young people to speak and spread their voices and by organizing cool things where young people can come together.

Discover JEZ!