Mojo & The Kitchen Brothers

The musical changelings of Mojo & the Kitchen Brothers formed 3 years ago and have since flowed like a stream of electric Kool-Aid through the Belgian music scene. In terms of genre they could be placed in the box of heavy psych, but their sound can perhaps best be described as triple guitar terror that surfs on an all-engulfing tidal wave of drums and bass. With their endless spontaneity, contagious hyperkinesia and wide-eyed minds, they have already been seriously busy during their short existence. In addition to the extensive performance, they have already released the EP “Flaming Tiger Lizard” (2022) and their debut album “Mojo's Heavy Cream” (2023). However, standing still is not for the Mojos.

They have the ambitious plan to release another 2 full-length albums in the autumn of 2024 and 2025. To complete this task, Mojo will park their magical school bus in front of their beloved Trix for a year, where they will be artists in residence in 2024.

© Tina Herbots

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